Merry's Irish Cream 17% ABV (34 proof) 750ml

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  2. Merry's Irish Cream 17% ABV (34 proof) 750ml

Strength: 17% ABV (34 proof) Merrys Irish Cream Liqueur is crafted using fresh Irish dairy cream, from grassfed cows, aged Irish whiskey and, according to Master blender Don Crowley, a strong dash of Irish spirit. (We agree!) This delicious Irish cream ha

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Product description

Strength: 17% ABV (34 proof) Merrys Irish Cream Liqueur is crafted using fresh Irish dairy cream, from grassfed cows, aged Irish whiskey and, according to Master blender Don Crowley, a strong dash of Irish spirit. (We agree!) This delicious Irish cream has many uses, for example: served cilled on its own, in the White Russian cocktail, or as a substitute for cream in hot coffee/espresso (sometimes with whipped cream added on top).

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